
Skillspire – Online Coding School

Frequently asked questions

Everything you should know about Skillspire.

What courses do you offer? 

We offer two courses in Data Analytics – Intro and Advanced. Intro teaches Excel, SQL and Power BI. And Advanced teaches Python, Machine Learning, Statistics, Predictive Analytics and more. The Full Stack starts from the basic of HTMl, CSS and gets into JavaScript including data structures and algorithms.

How long and how often are the programs that you offer?

Data Analytics meets once a week for 12 weeks and Full Stack meets twice a week for 16 weeks.

How are you able to complete the coursework meeting twice a week for 6 hours?

Our course curriculum covers one stack, namely MEAN stack or MERN stack. We will be offering a Python stack from next quarter.

What if I don’t have any knowledge of coding?

You do not need any knowledge of coding to start our Full Stack course. We start from the very basic principles.

Skillspire’s mission is to encourage diversity within the tech industry and make it look more like the customers it serves. In order to actualize this goal, we offer a few methods to help bootstrap you into landing the job of your dreams. Want to see if you qualify for a scholarship? Apply here.

Additionally, depending on the course, we offer a monthly payment plan. Contact us to get started.

We also have veteran re-training discounts and military discounts. Contact us to see if you are eligible. 

In all of our courses, we offer one-on-one resume building and interview help. We will work on your resume, white-boarding, networking, and put on mock-interviews.

Skillspire’s instructors come from reputable tech companies with a wealth of knowledge on how to land a job at one of their companies. We cannot promise you a job offer upon completion of one of our courses, as that is dependent on your determination and drive. However, we will offer resume and interview workshops as well as one-on-one assistance. 

Still Have Questions?

Let us know and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

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